Who Will Be The First To Live on Mars?

Kelly Skeete (Arkia Crypto)
3 min readMay 20, 2021


The most logical answer is not you or anyone you know. With our delicate skin, connective tissue, bones and need for oxygen, water and comfort we would never survive on mars. If we thrusted you into the galaxy on a mission to Mars in a spacesuit with a liquid cooling and ventilation system along with every protection known to humankind, you’d still die of radiation poisoning or cancer. However, the good news is the blood in your veins would freeze and you’d die long before seeing the Red planet. But let’s stay positive for argument’ sake. If you landed on Mars without crashing into small unrecognizable bits, you’d most likely suffocate trying to breathe in the atmosphere which is mostly carbon dioxide. But even if you escape all those horrific ways of dying the very low atmospheric pressure on Mars would cause your blood to literally boil, regardless of the outside temperature. So the question remains who will be the first to live on Mars. The answer is human-ai.

Human-ai is the combination of living organisms and learned probabilistic models using a sequence of human and machine contributions. Let me be clear, the age of AI has arrived and isn’t going anywhere but up. In many ways, you are already human-ai. Your cellphone, laptop and Fitbit help you perform higher than normal human limitations. Researchers, clinicians and the layperson are constantly making new discoveries that are overwhelming our brains with additional information, articles and opinions. A few of us will be able to keep up without having a brain aneurysm however, the majority will need extra help. Today we have various types of AI, the first being Narrow AI. Google Assistant, Google Translate, Siri are types of Narrow AI. They are the weakest form of AI because these machines are nowhere close to having human-like intelligence. They lack the self-awareness, consciousness, and genuine intelligence to match human intelligence. They can’t think for themselves.

For life on mars to be possible we need a being that thinks for itself. We need an advanced form of intelligence, an artificial general intelligence (AGI). An AGI can successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. This is the sort of AI that is seen in the movie Prometheus in the character David. David is a human-ai that appears to look human and interacts with machines while possessing the ability to achieve consciousness, sentient, and self-awareness.

Arkia Labs takes the position that AI can be safer if we merge the mortality of humans with the wisdom of AI creating human-ai. This type of thinking can worry some people and/or scare the pants off others but the truth remains that the merge will happen in the future and we can track and monitor its evolution with skilled specialists and defense experts. Humans have vulnerabilities such as we don’t handle ecological disruptions well and throughout history, we have used our intelligence, culture and tools to adapt behaviour that kept our species alive. Mars is a reality with Arkia Labs and associates. We are already working towards eradicating diseases, making human beings more resistant to the changing environments. One word to sum up our global civilization is invention. We invented many ways to support each other. People in one part of the world can provide food, money, education, while others invent vaccines for vulnerable people. The first people to live on mars will be an invention that expands existence around the galaxy and ARKIA is happy to be part of it.



Kelly Skeete (Arkia Crypto)

CEO @arkialabs | Making Life on Mars Possible | ARKIA